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Sudden Drop In SEO Ranking? Here Is The Guide To Recover

A sudden drop in your site-specific landing pages ranking will be the worst time. Don’t panic, it’s competition, and everyone is trying hard to rise above. Well, it is time to recover the situation, so be ready to think over the reasons that cause a drop in your website ranking.

Sudden Drop In SEO Ranking? Here Is The Guide To Recover

The more significant sign of dropped ranking could be low organic traffic. Check the traffic using different online tools such as Google Search Console and Stat. Additionally, here are the reasons behind downfall in your site ranking.

Drop-In SEO Ranking: Reasons

    • Updated Google Algorithm

      Google rolls out updates to the algorithm now and then or sometime silently. There are leagues of SEOs to document those changes. You must check the new articles on Google to find the changes around the date you last saw it. For better information, you can take help of SEO professionals who analyze your site and let you know the latest updates.

    • Has Your Site Lost Links?

      Use the tools Ahrefs and Majestic to pull the lost links report and find whether the noticeable links has dropped off your site. If the lost links are the reason, then try to recover the links. Moreover, find how the links are lost and how they can be regained.

    • Did You Make Any Changes In Affected Pages?

      Check whether you or anyone of your team made changes in the pages like removal and addition of internal links, keywords stuffing and changes in URL. It means a new page URL with the same content and remember, duplicate content is a significant reason behind the site ranking dropping. If you are sure that your site navigation is affected then start its recovery to restore the previous link, make the content more unique and do all required changes.

Google’s User Feedback

Google uses machine learning to set out its rankings. It considers the ranking of your site measuring the value of your pages by click-through-rate from SERPs and visiting time of users on your website. If you recently add the popup, it may cause a high bounce rate.

Competition Has Become Tougher

A sudden change in the competition could make some sites drop down to the bottom. The only solution to this issue is to improve your business strategy and implement advanced tactics to grow your business. As the competition is becoming fierce, you will need the professionals to help you.

How To Recover Faster & Effectively?

As mentioned above, the professional SEO dedicated team can not only find the reasons behind your site ranking drop down, but they can also help you get back on the track. Online business fluctuates with changes in the market rules which affect your business. The team of experts with experience and expertise can help you by

  • Analyzing your site
  • Improving links
  • Developing unique content
  • Working on entire weak areas
  • Using the latest tools and technique
  • Doing everything necessary to rank

So, feel free to discuss your business requirements with our digital marketing experts at Saskatoon Tech. We strive to develop customized solutions by flawlessly integrating your business with advanced technology. Let us rank your site on the top and bring more conversions.