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Improving Your SEO Strategy with Internal and External Linking

Heard about various SEO optimization strategies and tools, right? And, internal and external linking are two of them. Yes, it is true- good quality links can make your content attractive to not only the users but also the Google crawlers. With links to higher domain authority websites, you can get better ranks on the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs). But, there are certain things that need to be considered while implying the latest SEO strategy tips.

Improving Your SEO Strategy with Internal and External Linking

One of the major differences between the links is that they cater to different needs of the content strategy. Of course, both are useful (for readers and for search engines) but for different reasons. And, this is why links (both internal and external links) are an important part of the SEO strategy checklist.

How Does External Linking Help Your Blog Posts?

  • The first and foremost benefit of using an external link is using the high authority links helps in increasing the digital footprint. It means that it increases the potential to attract essential, valuable, and relevant content. By putting external links, you are even building a good quality history of links between the respective sites.
  • When you link to other brands or content, you also build a relationship and expand your reach to the people. For instance, if you are a well-being product based company and you link your blogs to the lifestyle sites, then the right SEO strategy brings a new inflow of traffic to the site. On the other hand, you can also have a mutually beneficial connection between the two sites.
  • When you include quality links, it infers that you value your readers and want them to successfully explore the topic and learn about it everything! These links also act as an attention binding element of the blog. These external links help in teaching readers a lot on the topic.

How Does Internal Linking Help Your Blog Posts?

  • Internal Links are useful for readers in order to make the site friendly and beneficial. Instead of looking for the blogs from the search box or lurking for them on the website, you can just visit about the related topics from that piece of content itself. If you think more deeply while including the internal links, then the navigation becomes easier and you see more visitors on your site who spend quality time too. Moreover, the visitors are more likely to come back on the site, navigate easily and engage even more actively with your services.
  • Internal links are known to boost SEO marketing strategies. This is an organic way to give strength to the SEO marketing tips. Google sees the site to be more valuable and brings it higher on the search results page. However, it is not equivalent to the external links that help in boosting the rank, but it still gets the work done fine.
  • Internal links mean users or visitors spend more time on your site and moreover, decrease the bounce rate. The more time spent by the user on the site, the more he learns about the information and become more familiar with your brand.

What Is The Best Way To Add Links In The Post?

First, there is no hard and fast rule while adding links to a blog. However, one must follow a set of guidelines to keep in mind. And, they are different for both internal and external links. Adding external links adds a high-quality value to the blog or content. A thumb rule says that about 3 to 5 external links are enough for every long blog or post.

And, if you see that you have to link to many sections to the outside source, then it is better if you could explain those points yourself. This is better because if you add too many external links in the blog, the traffic will go elsewhere and will not retain on your page. You can include links when you are quoting an expert or citing a study or something that is a little different from your niche.

Are you seeking a professional service provider who can add internal and external links to your website? Contact SaskatoonTech. They have an experienced and skilled pool of people who can bring good and quality authority domains for increasing the value of your site and content. So, get the best SEO company in Saskatoon at your service today!